Upper limb prostheses is a device that replaces the missing part of the upper limb and their function. Upper limb amputations are named by the limb segments affected. An upper limb amputee requires a complete and through evaluation at the level of involvement and also associated functional and physical deficits.


Cosmetic Hand & Finger Prosthesis

Cosmetic hand prosthesis has no moving parts. This prosthesis can be cast from the other hand and tailored to skin tone. People who are missing fingers or part of a hand can also have a cosmetic prosthesis cast to replace the missing part.

Body-Powered Hand Prosthesis

This type of prosthetic hand uses a harness system attached to the upper body. The wearer can manipulate the hand by moving a specific part of their body.

There are two main types of body-powered hand prostheses:
1. Voluntary Open: opens the hand when applying tension to the cable
2. Voluntary Close: Closes the hand when applying tension to the cable

The hand on a body-powered prosthesis can have a simple design, such as a metal hook or it can be cast to have a more realistic appearance.

Myoelectric Hand Prostheses

Myoelectric hand prostheses come the closest to replacing a natural hand or arm. They do not require a harness and are controlled by nerves and eletrical impulses from the wearer's residual limb. The downside is that they are expensive and the batteries need to be recharged often. There is also a lengthy training period as the patient will need to work with a specialist to program the device to react to the wearer's intent.

Bionic Hand Prostheses

Bionic hand is an electromechanical device that attaches to the human body and replicates the functionality of a natural hand. Intelligent, precise and reliable. With 14 difference grip patterns and hand positions, the bebionic makes it easier to perform activities of daily living such as eating meals, tying shoelaces, carrying bags, opening doors, switching on lights, typing and more. Individual motors in each finger allow you to use natural, coordinated grasp patterns. These movements are further enhanced by proportional control, which enables you to adjust the speed and grip force of the hand during daily tasks.